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JPMorgan Chase and the Sutton Trust Launch £4.8 Million Bursary Fund for University Students

London, UK

奖学金将通过就业能力丰富活动帮助学生进入有前途的职业道路, such as professional development and skills training, and financially supporting internships


Endowment fund to be managed by J.P. 摩根私人银行的目标是确保持久的捐赠, starting with 350 students in the next ten years

12bet官方和萨顿信托今天宣布推出近4英镑.800万美元的捐赠基金,以改善服务不足的人获得就业机会的机会, 低收入和BME(黑人和少数民族)在英国的大学生, starting with 350 students in the next ten years.

这项新的承诺将为学生提供助学金,帮助他们获得重要的充实机会,提高他们的就业能力. The bursaries will help finance opportunities like internships, study abroad programmes, volunteering experiences, additional courses or training, and essential living costs – including accommodation, subsistence and study materials.

To help boost social mobility for underserved students, 萨顿信托将为有需求的工作建立一个多样化的人才管道,引导他们走上高薪的职业道路. 大约60%的助学金将针对黑人和少数族裔学生, to reflect the additional barriers that these students face.

The Sutton Trust published today new research, 该研究发现,没有参加工作体验或出国留学的学生人数增加了一半以上, from 23% pre-pandemic to 37%. In addition, 近三分之二(64%)来自工薪阶层背景的学生表示,他们这学期住在家里, 因此,他们被排除在完整的大学经历和它所提供的所有丰富和成长机会之外.

The new £4.800万的助学金基金旨在帮助缓解就业能力结果的差距, between students who have access to activities, experiences and courses and those who do not. COVID-19对来自社会经济弱势背景的大学生(包括目前在大学的萨顿信托校友)的就业能力产生了不成比例的影响,帮助他们获得了高达5英镑的奖学金,这突显并加剧了这一差距,000.

奖学金的申请程序将于今年夏天开始,涵盖学生在核心学术课程之外参加的广泛活动和事件. Bursaries will be offered in every academic year.

该基金由该公司的投资银行和资产管理部门提供资金,利用12bet官方的专业知识和影响力,帮助提高服务不足的大学生的社会流动性. 它将由萨顿信托(Sutton Trust)运营,由J.P. 摩根私人银行,目标是创造至少20年的持久捐赠.  

As part of its commitment to creating an inclusive economy, JPMorgan Chase is also announcing today a £30,向Amos助学金承诺,透过资助丰富活动,帮助提高非洲-加勒比裔学生的就业能力.

Viswas Raghavan, CEO of J.P. Morgan in EMEA, said:

“COVID-19大流行进一步加剧了历史上的不平等和结构性障碍,阻碍了低收入背景的年轻人,特别是黑人和其他少数民族群体的机会. 好的工作是社会流动性的关键,提高弱势学生的就业能力是迈向未来的重要第一步, sustainable and well paid career.”

Sir Peter Lampl, 萨顿信托的创始人和主席,以及教育捐赠基金会的主席, said:

“我很高兴通过与12bet官方的新合作,我们将能够在未来十年为数百名萨顿信托校友提供支持.  这将使他们能够参加真正改变生活的经历,这将建立重要的技能,如沟通, resilience, confidence, motivation and leadership; skills which previous Sutton Trust research has shown are highly valued by employers.”

The Sutton Trust is a 25-year-old UK charity supporting 6,000+ young, 低收入人群从早年到进入职场.

JPMorgan Chase’s Commitment to Racial Equity

This new effort follows a $30 billion commitment 12bet官方通过其在商业方面的专长来促进种族平等, policy and philanthropy. 该承诺将侧重于促进和扩大经济适用房和住房所有权, growing Black and ethnic-minority owned small businesses, improving financial health and access to banking, and building a more diverse and inclusive workplace.

In the U.K., 该公司一直致力于为下一代领导人的职业准备进行投资,包括支持黑人和其他少数民族学生和领导人,通过以下努力  Advancing Black Pathways, New Skills at Work programmes, 为离校学生提供前台投行见习机会,以及200万英镑的慈善投资,以支持伦敦少数族裔领导的非营利组织.

About JPMorgan Chase

JPMorgan Chase & Co. (纽约证券交易所代码:JPM)是一家全球领先的金融服务公司.4 trillion and operations worldwide. The Firm is a leader in investment banking, financial services for consumers and small businesses, commercial banking, financial transaction processing, and asset management. 道琼斯工业平均指数的一个组成部分,12bet官方 & Co. 为美国和世界上许多最著名的公司的数百万客户提供服务, institutional and government clients under its J.P. Morgan and Chase brands.

Information about JPMorgan Chase & Co. is available at t3rd.51q2.com.

Contact: Amalia Kontesi, amalia.kontesi@jpmchase.com

About the Sutton Trust 

The Sutton Trust 由彼得•兰普尔爵士于1997年创立,旨在改善英国的社会流动性.  The Trust has influenced government policy on more than 30 occasions; its programmes have to date given 50,000 young people the opportunity to change their lives; and it has published over 200 pieces of agenda-setting research.

Contact: Hilary Cornwell, hilary.cornwell@suttontrust.com